Semiconductors form the basic building blocks for modern industries.
Semiconductors and related technologies are now used in and essential for all industries.
Semiconductors also create a wide range of peripheral industries including semiconductor
manufacturing equipment and semiconductor materials. The development of semiconductors
and their manufacturing technologies serves as an engine for the world economy, and will
continue to play that role in the future. Semiconductors are closely involved in most
aspects of technical innovation in the information and communication industry, the
electric industry, agriculture, the manufacturing industry, the financial industry, the
securities industry, the energy industry, the transit industry, the distribution industry,
the aerospace industry, the medical and welfare industry, education, and culture.
Nanotechnology, biotechnology, and other new fields that are expected to open up new
markets are also based on semiconductor technology.
Semiconductors are now produced all over the world and are bought and sold irrespective
of national borders. Always standing in the way are the language barriers. The language
barriers are continuously changing in quality and quantity. The semiconductor industry,
where technological and price competition has intensified since Asian countries started to
emerge as major producers of semiconductors, is now seeing an era of great transition.
With recent rapid growth of China, which has a population of over 1 billion and is huge in
area, and where labor is cheap, the need for Chinese language skills in addition to
Western languages has increased.
Languages or types of documents to be translated depend dynamically on the business
activities, which may require translation of instruction manuals or specifications. To
understand constantly advancing semiconductor technology and to translate it correctly
requires a proper knowledge of the technology. Chris Translation understands that the
semiconductor industry is especially important in translation. Based on this
understanding, we established a separate segment for that industry to provide quick but
correct translation service.
Chris Translation takes full advantage of its coverage of a variety of languages, a
network of translators, editors, proofreaders, and DTP operators with experience and
expertise, and collaboration between these staff members in order to provide translation
service that satisfies customers. |