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 Pharmaceutical and Medical

Pharmaceutical and Medical Science Translation Service

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Pharmaceutical and Medical Top Interview with a Translator

Communications with internal and external experts provide a base for medical translation that meets the needs of the times.

Hiromi Mizuochi, Medical translation editorWe are engaged in translation of a very wide range of fields. This gives us an advantage.

Medical translation is often undertaken by translation companies specializing in medical fields.

Chris Translation may be unusual in that it is engaged in translation of a very wide range of genres. This actually gives us an advantage. This is because foreign language ability and a basic knowledge of pharmaceutical science are not always enough for medical translation.

Our in-house translators include those specializing in chemistry, mechatronics, computers, and other fields, and those familiar with international legal affairs and patent knowhow.

We can directly consult these experts about unclear descriptions or unfamiliar words encountered during translation. This environment allows translation based on a correct understanding. Translation related to medical equipment, which requires knowledge of multidisciplinary fields, is our department.

Of course, it is also important to work up knowledge so that we favorably compare with companies specializing in medical translation. Translation related to examinations for new drug approval requires an adequate knowledge of application documents to be submitted to the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare or the FDA.

We do not prepare application forms or related materials, but appropriate translations cannot be produced without properly understanding the purpose of documents to be translated and rules to be followed by the documents.

Hiromi Mizuochi, Medical translation editorI also hold study meetings on my own.

In the pharmaceutical industry, international harmonization has been promoted. One good example is the guidelines announced by the International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use, or ICH, a conference established by Japan, the US, and EU. This trend has increasingly spurred the globalization of the activities of drug companies, especially of their development systems. Catching up with these worldwide trends in the industry also contributes to correct translation.

Just reading newspapers or viewing web sites in a translation company is not enough. I also hold study meetings and participate in those held by some of my friends in order to build up a network of professional contacts and exchange information with each other.

I used to work at a science division of a foreign-affiliated drug company. In the company, which does business in Japan, the US, and Europe, I was engaged in translation and promotion of communications involved in new drug development, sales, and marketing.

Work there kept me up to date on the industry and satisfied my desire for knowledge. I played a part in the commercialization of new drugs. That interesting, challenging experience will not fade away.

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Chris Translation Service Company
Rm 2101-02,21/F,Wing Tuck Commercial Centre,177-183 Wing Lok St.,Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
TEL: (852) 2964 9876 FAX : (852) 3003 6222[ Access Map ]

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American Translators Association Certification

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Austrian Standards plus Certification



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